
Staying Healthy In and Around the House

Tue, Dec 22, 2015 at 11:20AM

If staying fit or getting healthy was on your list of New Year’s resolutions, you’re not alone! Every year, millions of people around the world resolve to do the exact same thing—but they may not always know how.

Big changes can seem like a lot to take on. Below, we are looking at a few small (but just as effective) ways to stay healthy and active around the house.

In the kitchen

As you probably already know, health and fitness routines start in the kitchen—and for good reason! Eating well not only helps you maintain a healthier lifestyle… it also allows you to improve your focus and overall activity levels throughout the day.

To make healthy options more fun to eat and prepare, make it a family activity. Get everyone together to assemble healthy options like do-it-yourself trail mix or fruit salads using fresh fruit you probably already have on hand. Assemble platters—packed with fruits, meats and cheeses—ahead of time to enjoy when everyone needs a snack or light lunch. By actively putting time and thought into the healthy foods you and your family munch on throughout the day, you will be able to achieve a more enjoyable—and maintainable—healthy routine.

In the family room

It may seem difficult at first to incorporate healthy behaviors in your family room—a place most often known for its TV set, comfy couches and relaxation—but it is possible! The key is to incorporate activity into your normal family room routine. If it’s a rainy day, for example, try to play a few dance or motion video games before opting for a typical game or movie. If you do decide to watch a family movie or TV program, don’t worry! You can make time in between to get up and, at the very least, have everyone stretch their legs around.

In the office

While your home office may be the last place on your mind when you think of exercise and physical activity, it doesn’t have to be! In fact, you may find that you benefit from taking periodic breaks from your work to get up, stretch and perhaps even do a small activity—whether that be lifting small dumbbells, doing jumping jacks, or spending a few minutes on a home exercise machine (if you have one). These activities will allow you to clear your head and be more productive once you return to your seat.

Another office trick that’s growing in popularity to stand up at your desk instead of sitting at it. This, too, can keep your legs stretched out and prevent you from having to sit down all day by letting you alternate between both sitting and standing. When used correctly, a standing desk may also help you to relieve posture problems caused by frequent sitting and has been shown to make users feel productive.


Of course, we can’t forget the outdoor area! You may not be thinking about it, but you are probably getting a good bit of exercise by doing the things you do already—gardening, tidying up the lawn or patio, and of course, swimming or playing outdoor games. Taking a walk throughout your neighborhood or community is another great way to stay fit close to home—additionally, it is many homeowners’ stress reliever of choice.

How do you stay fit and healthy around the house? Let us know below!

Staying Healthy In and Around the House

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